Archive for the ‘12 Disciples – Chosen But Not Perfect’ Category

This is the last of the teachings of the Twelve Disciples of Jesus Christ. This is the saddest of the 12, known as ‘the Traitor’ and “the most colossal failure in history“. Judas Iscariot.

We all face choices every day, choices that lead to life or death. Judas was close to Jesus, but squandered every opportunity and lesson that was handed to him. It is possible to be near to Jesus, but far away from salvation. The soldiers at the cross were near to Jesus, but far away from the Blood.

I hope you will learn a lesson by his mistakes and eternal failure.

The 12 Disciples were normally in the following order:

  1. Simon (Peter)
  2. Andrew (Peter’s Brother)
  3. James (the greater)
  4. John (James’ Brother)
  5. Philip
  6. Bartholomew (Nathanael)
  7. Thomas (Didymus)
  8. Matthew (Levi)
  9. James (the less)
  10. Thaddaeus (Judas)
  11. Simon (the Canaanite)
  12. Judas Iscariot (the traitor)

Today we will cover three disciples. The first is James, the less. It is not known if James was called less because of his size, his age, or social standing. Also I will cover the life and ministry of Thaddaeus, who was also named Judas and the disciple Simon, who was a Zealot.

This teaching covers the most hated of the 12, Matthew also called Levi. Once a Jew became a tax collector, they were known as the worst of the worst. But I think you may like Matthew after you get to know him better.

In this teaching I cover 2 disciples from the second group of four which are less known of the first set of 4, but more known of the last 4. This teaching will cover Bartholomew, also known as Nathanael and Thomas, who is normally known as ‘doubting Thomas’.

This teaching is about Philip. I found more about Philip than I expected and I think you might learn something new about this disciple of the 2nd group, which I call ‘less known’: Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew. Philip was the ‘bean counter’ of the group and may have been in charge of logistics, coordinating and arranging meals. He was the one Jesus asked when the 5,000 men needed to be fed and had an immediate answer. He must have been counting instead of listening. Enjoy what I have found about Philip.

This is one of the ‘most known’ of Jesus’ 12 disciples, John. John wrote the books of the Gospel of John, 1-3 John and the book of Revelation. He is the only disciple of the 12 to die of natural causes. I hope you are enjoying this series of the disciples who were “Chosen, but not Perfect.”

This is the history of the 3rd of the first group I call the ‘most known’ disciples of Jesus Christ. None of the disciples were qualified, but the were Chosen to carry out the Gospel. It is a shame that almost everyone can recite Santa’s reindeer, but cannot name those called to be the Twelve Apostles. Enjoy the teaching of James.

This is part 4 of the teaching of Jesus the Rabbi and the 12 Disciples. There are 3 groups of 4, Most Known, Less Known  and Least Known group of four.

This is about the 2nd of the Most Known Group, the Apostle Andrew. The ‘Most Known’ group and Simon (Peter); Andrew (Peter’s Brother); James and John (James’ Brother).


The first named of the 12 Disciples is always Peter. He is my favorite and I think most of us can compare our desire to follow Jesus in every way, but keep falling short and missing the mark. Speaking up when we should be silent. Keeping our word to Jesus instead of succumbing to fear of people. I would never have picked Peter if I were choosing the leader of the 12 who would carry the Gospel to the world, but I am not God. God always sees the end from the beginning. The name Peter is used 2nd to the name Jesus in the Gospels. No other disciple asked so many questions. No other disciples so quickly answered Jesus.

Peter was most certainly, “Covered in the Master’s Dust.”

In this video I share about the “MAKING OF A DISCIPLE“, the choosing and training of the 12 Disciples to carry out Jesus’ teachings after He was gone. We know  that Jesus had more than 12 disciples because of the record in Luke 10:1 & 17. In those verses it either records 70 or 72 ‘others’, meaning disciples. But when it got to the end of John 6, many scattered and only the 12 remained.

These 12 were by no means ‘qualified’. After my study I decided to call them the ‘dirty dozen’ because they were so unqualified, and yet they were the one that were Chosen. When Father God asked me to teach this, He said call it “Chosen but not Perfect”. None of us are qualified to do the work of the ministry and yet, each of us are called to some part of the work in these Last Days. Holy Spirit is the One who gives the qualifications and power to all who are called and yield themselves to that high calling.