Archive for the ‘Dire Straits’ Category

The 3 week period between Tammuz 17 and Av 9 (Tisha B’Av) are called ‘bein haMetzarim’, aka Between the Straits, Dire Straits. Lamentations 1:3, “Judah has gone into captivity, under affliction and hard servitude; she dwells among the nations, she finds no rest; all her persecutors overtake her in dire straits.” Fear is strong during these 21 days because of the historical events connected with these two dates.

Zechariah 8:17,  “Thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘The fast of the fourth [month], the fast of the fifth, the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth..’ Each one of these Jewish fasts are memorial times, causing them to examine themselves so they would not repeat the sins of the past.

This year the Fast of the 4th month (Tammuz 17) will begin on the Gregorian Calendar at sundown June 26 and will end with the Fast of the 4th month (9th of Av) sundown July 18. This is a 3 week period of amazing Jewish history, not just in the Bible but throughout world history to our time.

Bob Jones and Paul Keith Davis wrote a great article in the Elijah List June 21, 2007 called The Season of the  The teaching by Bob Jones and Paul Keith Davis is lengthy but worth reading. Bob Jones had visions of Basilisk in 1996 and 1997, each year it was larger.

That three week period of time causes great dread and fear in the hearts of the Jewish people worldwide and more so this year with the increased antisemitism. According to the online Jewish Virtual Library, May 10-20 of this year, 4,369 rockets were launched from Hamas in Gaza into Israel, with roughly one third of those rockets landing inside Gaza and causing their own nation much damage. Also, Lebanon with Hezbollah is a constant threat because they have thousands of guided missiles available to reach cities such as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Add to that – the new leadership have many Israeli citizens not secure in their future. As if that was not enough – Covid19 has totally changed the nation with businesses closed and tourism greatly affected. Never before in history has there been so many women in the Jewish Knesset and first time in history that there is an active Israeli Arab party in the government. Time will tell as to how this will play out in Israel and Jews worldwide.

We understand that faith draws from the spiritual to the natural. Faith in the negative brings into reality what you fear or dread. Job 3:25, “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me.” Faith in God and His Word brings what we greatly desire to come to pass.

We must not forget that prayer changes things, that our God will give us songs of deliverance. We must never forget that if God be for us who can be against us. We must never forget that the Covenant making and Covenant keeping God never slumbers or sleeps, He preserves and protects His chosen people and His Promised Land.

BUT HE NEEDS TO HEAR OUR PRAYERS!! Isaiah 62:6, “I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent. (7) And give Him no rest til He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.”

Here are some historical events connected with this the 17th of Tammuz

  • 1312 BC, Moses descended from Mount Sinai after 40 days and found the people worshiping the Golden Calf. Moses broke the 2 tablets containing the Ten Commandments- 3,000 Israelites were killed by Levites in that instance
  • 2 Kings 21:7, evil King Manasseh of Judah set up an idol in the Holy Sanctuary of the Temple
  • 586 BC, Jerusalem were breached after many months of siege by Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian forces (First Temple was destroyed 3 weeks later on Av 9)
  • 70 AD, Titus & Rome breached the walls of Jerusalem. Beginning of the end of the Second Temple, which was destroyed three weeks later on Av 9)
  •  135 AD, Second Jewish-Roman War. Roman military leader Apostomus burned a Torah scroll prior to Bar Kokba’s revolt
  • 1239, Pope Gregory IX ordered the confiscation of all manuscripts of the Talmud
  • 1391, More than 4,000 Spanish Jews were killed in Toledo and Jaen, Spain
  •  1559, The Jewish Quarter of Prague was burned and looted
  • 1944, The entire population of Kovno ghetto was sent to the death camps
  • 1970, Libya ordered the confiscation of all Jewish property
  • 1981, Israel attacked the Tammuz-1 nuclear reactor at Osiraq in an attempt to scuttle Iraq’s nuclear program
  • 1994, Shoemaker Levi Comet began to break up, ending with bombarding Jupiter with 16 fragments on Av 9, each with an impact of a nuclear bomb
  •  Tammuz 24, 2002, one week following the 17th of Tammuz fast, water started to come out of the Western Wall. One of the stones, 15 meters up the wall, has suddenly become dripping wet with no earthly explanation
  • 2006, Lebanon and Israel went to war after Hezbollah kidnaped 2 Israeli soldiers. (Chuck Pierce prophesied January 29, 2006, “watch Lebanon. I will bring conflict into Lebanon, because it is the boundary that I will deal with this year concerning My promised land of Israel. The warlike tribes of Lebanon will once again arise. But in the end, I will win this war, and the riches that have been withheld from My Kingdom plan will be released.”)

Isaiah 62:1, “For Israel’s Sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not hold my peace”